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Your body is designed to heal itself.
Why not help it – rather than hinder it?
If you cut your hand – it will heal automatically, unless you deliberately put dirt in it, or you keep picking it open, or if your immune system is severely suppressed by the way you have been eating and living resulting in some very serious illness that causes delayed healing. If you smash your thumb with a hammer, it will eventually heal, unless you keep smashing the same thumb with a hammer – EVERY DAY!
The point is that your body WILL heal itself UNLESS you keep injuring it.
But most people don’t realize that they are “injuring” their body every day by the way they are living and eating. When we eat wrong and live wrong, these small daily “injuries” will result in a disease of one type or another. Unfortunately, doctors ONLY learn how to treat the symptoms of disease rather than addressing the root cause of the disease itself. Why? Because they are never taught the causes of diseases.
Doctors give DRUGS – ALL of which have side effects – and ALL of which harm the body! And DRUGS only cover up the symptoms. Getting well by Natural Methods is NOT expensive – and does NOT require a doctor. It can be done at home – WITHOUT drugs! And it REALLY does get you WELL by addressing the root cause of the disease rather than covering up the symptoms. Drugs allow you to feel better, at least temporarily, but your disease is actually getting worse! Drugs don’t heal your disease!
The ONLY way to really get well and remain well, is to STOP doing the things that cause disease and START doing the things that rebuild the immune system, the ONLY system in your body that can GET you well and KEEP you well!
Medicine is BIG BUSINESS – a multi-billion dollar business. The causes of disease are ALL in the medical literature, but doctors don’t know about them because we are never taught about them in our medical training. Why?
Getting well by Natural Methods is NOT expensive – and does NOT require a doctor. It can be done at home – WITHOUT drugs! And it REALLY does get you WELL by addressing the root cause of the disease rather than covering up the symptoms.
The prospect of getting well inexpensively by Natural Methods does not sit well with the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries. Their goal, instead, is for you to feel helpless and hopeless when you are sick, so you will have to rely on expensive doctors and costly, harmful drugs!
But you don’t have to GET sick or REMAIN sick! Diseases ARE curable once you STOP doing the things that CAUSE them. YOU can take charge of your health – and GET WELL! Stop worrying about Weight Loss programs and calories. When you give your Body what it needs it will get rid of what it doesn’t. It really is that simple. Hippocrates said it years ago “Let your Food Be Your Medicine, and Your Medicine Be Your Food.”
You were created to be well and serve a purpose in this life. But because we are so busy striving to be rich, successful, beautiful or famous we get off track and usually end up dying a horrible death from totally preventable causes. Go to the Healing Stop and see how you can stop, prevent, and even reverse the “Death By Diet”.