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The Bad News:
You have a 95% chance of dying prematurely and from heart disease, stroke cancer or diabetes.
What's the good news?
The Human body is Alkaline by design, and when it’s in this state, we have energy, vitality, and fitness. Wondering where your energy and vitality has gone?
Animal fat and refined sugar create blood sugar disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia. Are you at risk?
The secret is out and studies show that higher cholesterol could slash your stroke risk by nearly 300%!
Cholesterol is not your enemy!
Did You Know?…..
In 1941, Cancer only affected 2% of the population. Today this number has increased to almost 50% and is rising!
God gave us an incredible gift in the huge variety of natural foods available. Some foods even give us clues as to which body parts they will help.
Are you aware that cholesterol-lowering drugs do not stop heart disease & can actually cause heart attacks?
Sadly, most Americans are on a diet of dead food that is loaded with toxins. This is called the Standard American Diet.
Your body will heal itself unless you keep injuring it. Most people don’t realize that they are “injuring” their body by the way they are living and eating.
Our immune system is the builder that with the proper tools, has the ability to keep us well throughout our life.
Wellness is not sickness treatment. We are not drug or medical treatment deficient. It is a way of life.
Human bodies are not designed to drink the milk from another animal species or past the age of weaning.
Multivitamins contain B12 and folic acid. These important vitamins are essential for proper function of our bodies.
75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and even mild dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism.
The human body is not designed to properly digest and dispose of meat like that of a carivore.